How can a director best maximize the potential of a low budget, independent film?

Friday, October 31, 2014

Extra Blog October

Last weekend my mentor had me help him out on his film shoot. The project was for a Doritos commercials that he plans to submit for the Super Bowl. My job for the shoot was to work as his an intern/ assistant director/ continuity. The shoot was two days long and 11 and a half hours in total. The plot of the commercial is a kung-fu style story set in the forest so we diced to shoot on location at San Bernardino National Forest. I'd say the most exciting part of working on the Doritos shoot was working continuity because the job requires you to look at every detail and visualize the finished product in your head. I didn't just stand around I did catch multiple things that were inconstant, some big and others small. The commercial should be edited in two weeks and I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Here are some photos I took from the shoot.

PS: Ian Kam and Joseph Garcia were part of the cast.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blog 8

Working EQ

What is your working EQ?
How do you maximize the potential of a low budget independent film?

What is a possible answer to your working EQ? Please write the answer in thesis format.
A film must be able to have a balance between production value with limited money through planning and still work with the actors to get a good performance.

What is the most important source that helped you come up with the answer to your working EQ?
The most important source I found for my working EQ is Rebel Without a Crew by Robert Rodriguez which contains his journal and his journey in making and releasing his first film, El Mariachi. He gives a lot a of tips of what was useful and what you shouldn't do when making a low budget film.

Who is your mentor, or where are you doing you doing your mentorship, and how does what your doing relate to your EQ?
My mentor is Tom Kam. He runs a small independent film editing company and often works on his own projects. When he is working on his own films he will take me out to the set and have me help out and it helps me learn how to both direct and organize a production.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blog 7

Independent Component 

For my independent component I am planning to work on two films. The first film that I plan to work on is with Andrew Morris and Brandon Le. They approached me to help co-write, co-direct, edit and play the lead in the film. I'm almost positive that that the work put in on this film alone will get me at least 30 hours.
I also plan to work on my own film that I had planned to make a novel but decided would make an excellent movie. I plan to work on preproduction like script writing, storyboarding, location scouting and possibly even casting. If the first film doesn't get me the 30 hours the addition of the second project most definitely will.