How can a director best maximize the potential of a low budget, independent film?

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Extra Blog December

It's almost New Years and you know what that means! Yup, a blog post! Alright this time I'll being three quick reviews of movies. These post with purely be critique unlike my others which were rather long because of the technical reviews that I did. Hopefully these are more straight to the point and enjoyable.

1) Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dog is one of the most well known Independent Films and critically acclaimed. After re-watching the film over break I thought that i would give a shot at a review. Reservoir Dogs is a movie stands alone and can hold it's own against practically any other crime film. The first thing that pops out about this movie is the style that this film is laid out. The film is not put into chronological order and it strangely adds something to the film for two reasons. The first being it's different. In an industry that can be filled with the same thing over and over this film breaks the mold and offers something entirely new. The second reason the absence of order in time is, it challenges the audience to both be patient and really think about what is going to happen or what has already happen with the information given. The separation of time really does add to the feeling of a crime film and gives you everything you could ask for from the genre. A crime, a team, a run in with the cops, and strong characters. I have to give Tarantino props for his casting because each of the main characters delivers their lines with purpose and energy. There's also this overwhelming likability about the film. At first I couldn't figure out what it was but then I realized what it was. It's the simplicity of the film. The film doesn't try to impress you with Michael Bay like effects, it just tries to tell a story and comes through as movie  set to impress. I give it a 8.5/10

2) Losers Take All

Losers Take All probably isn't a film you've heard off but is worth a watch. The film is about a couple of guys who start a band only to find that they suck, it isn't until they team up with another band that they find that they're not half bad. The film is set in the 1980's punk rock movement and does a very good job of not overdoing the 80's like many films do.As you'd expect from a movie about rockers there's foul language, drugs, some dirty jokes and great music which already has the makings for a great film. The one thing that you don't end up getting is a major change of the protagonist toward the middle or end of the film so when the movie does end you feel like the movie left out something. This film is definitely geared for a young audience despite the time period that it is in for the fact that film is all about how to spend your youth. I was a fan of the fact that this film was ballsy enough to use super 8 film and then convert it to digital to use for transitions in the touring scenes. The film also goes for the punk rock feel so it does it's best to have muted colors and low lighting for most of the film. The characters are all very human and somebody can see themselves in at least one member of the band. The music in the film is probably the biggest thing to marvel at considering that every song that the band played was original. In the movie about rock the music should be and was very impressive. My rating for the film was an 7.2/10 because of the lack of story and expansion in some parts of the movie but it was very well shot, the actors gave great performances and the music was awesome.