How can a director best maximize the potential of a low budget, independent film?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Blog 4: Interview Preperation

Who will you be interviewing and why?

I will be interviewing my current mentor, Tom Kam. Mr. Kam has worked on multiple independent films (two of which will be entered in film festivals this year) and is currently in the works of starting his own independent film. Mr. Kam is very knowledgeable about both the historical and technical aspects of independent film.

What questions do you plan to ask?

  1. What movie or era of movies do you think set the stage for independent films to be taken seriously?
  2. As an Independent filmmaker what is your view on studio films?
  3. I was once told that every idea for a film had already been done in one form or another. Would you agree with that statement and why?
  4. What is it like to work for clients on a film?
  5. What would be the best way for an independent filmmaker to distribute their film for a large audience to see?
  6. How do you best get the main point of the film across to the audience?
  7. Why is it that we see some genres dominate independent film while others are more common in studio film?

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