How can a director best maximize the potential of a low budget, independent film?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What are you most proud of in your senior presentation and why

I proud that I was able to reach the amount of time that was necessary because I was most worried that I wouldn't make time because I wouldn't have enough content to talk about.

What assessment would you give yourself for your lesson 2 presentation?


Explain why you would give yourself this grade.

I believe that I reached time in each part of my presentation but I know I could've done a lot better than I did. I was so worried about the time and not having enough content that I found myself rambling and when I realized that I did have enough content for the time I was very far into the presentation.

What worked for your lesson 2?

I believe that I tried to make my presentation relatable which is difficult to do considering that a lot of people in the class probably haven't made their own independent films. So I tried to use examples they would understand and examples from film that they had seen.

What didn't work?

If I could do the presentation again I would assure myself that I did have enough content to fill time and not to worry or else I would be so nervous that I'd forget some of the points I would want to elaborate on.

What do you think your answer 2 is going to be?

I think that my answer two is going to be how directors must be resourceful and use what is available to them when their original script may have been too ambitious

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